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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Why Just Go Green?

Submitted by: Michael DeVries

It’s in vogue for advertisers to tout their green initiatives from how much paper they’ve saved through online billing and paying systems to recycling, reusing, and replenishing valuable resources.

And, certainly I-ShopTheWorld does not question the integrity of this need to preserve the environment.

We are “green” in that context, for sure, being an online shopping service, with an online catalog as opposed to a printed one. Our customers save gas by not having to get in their cars and drive someplace to shop. We all save paper through our online payment system. Even our accounting is online. We shop for environmentally friendly products to offer you and hope to add to that overall product category in the near future.

But, we beg to suggest that while green is a wonderful color, there are many other colors in nature that deserve preservation and honor. The blue of the sky with those puffy white clouds and their reflection in the waters of our oceans, lakes, and streams. The awesome browns, oranges, and yellows of fall foliage that signify life getting ready to take a rest so it can revive itself with the burst of those brilliant spring pastels. The holiday colors that enable us to recognize the symbols we associate with fun times, family, and friends.

Those are colors we do not want to overlook. We need the whole visual perspective to really appreciate the life around us. We need all aspects of how that color is seen. We need the glint of the sun bouncing off of a piece of silver jewelry, like unique the SilverLily jewelry you get from I-ShopTheWorld. We need the warm brown hues of a delicious cake baked just right, like our Tortuga Rum Cakes. We need the beautiful colors of silk, like our classic Thai silk clothing.

We may not start a campaign to put all colors on equal footing with green, but we do want to make you aware that you should not get so carried away being green that you overlook all of the other colors in the universe and forget to stop and appreciate the beauty of a piece of teak furniture or a flower in full bloom (we can sell you’re a silk orchid so that color is preserved for a very long time).

And, lest we be misunderstood, we do like green. We like the eco-greens that nature creates in grasses, leaves, and chameleons. We appreciate the greens that humans have devised for plastic recycling bins, bottles, and baubles. We totally enjoy the greens of money, a must for shoppers at I-ShopTheWorld.

We just wanted to let you, our visitors, know that you can relax and shop online and not obsess about whether or not you are doing good for the world by going green. So, if you are feeling blue or are red-in-the-face at that store in the mall, pay us a visit. Our products come in a variety of colors; many of them very mood enhancing. Look through our catalog, picture yourself glowing in the light of day while unpacking a box with something you’ve admired and given to yourself.

If you happen to be a “greenhorn” to online shopping, just give us a green light ‘cause we are here to help you.


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What else may We ALL Do Together to Help Save Our Environment and Save Our Planet?


…. for the Mutual Benefit of Everyone Around The World, ok?! :)

About the Author: Michael S. DeVries is the Founder of ( ) - where You may Save Money on Unique Native Products Direct to You from All over the World! and a Principal of The Virtual Consulting Firm (

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What You Should Know Green Energy

Submitted by: James Copper

Green energy refers to the use of power that is not only more efficient than fossil fuel but that is friendly to the environment as well. Green energy is generally defined as energy sources that dont pollute and are renewable.

There are several categories of green energy. They are anaerobic digestion, wind power, geothermal power, hydropower on a small scale, biomass power, solar power and wave power. Waste incineration can even be a source of green energy.

Nuclear power plants claim that they produce green energy as well, though this source is fraught with controversy, as we all know. While nuclear energy may be sustainable, may be considered renewable and does not pollute the atmosphere while it is producing energy, its waste does pollute the biosphere as it is released.

The transport, mining and phases before and after production of nuclear energy does produce and release carbon dioxide and similar destructive greenhouse gases. When we read of green energy, therefore, we rarely see nuclear power included.

Those who support nuclear energy say that nuclear waste is not, in fact, released into our earths biosphere during its normal production cycle. They stress as well that the carbon dioxide that nuclear energy production releases is comparable, in terms of each kilowatt hour of electricity, to such sources of green energy as wind power.

As an example of the green energy production the average wind turbine, such as the one in Reading England, can produce enough energy daily to be the only energy source for 1000 households.

Many countries now offer household and commercial consumers to opt for total use of green energy. They do this one of two ways. Consumers can buy their electricity from a company that only uses renewable green energy technology, or they can buy from their general supplies such as the local utility company who then buys from green energy resources only as much of a supply as consumers pay for.

The latter is generally a more cost - efficient way of supplying a home or office with green energy, as the supplier can reap the economic benefits of a mass purchase. Green energy generally costs more per kilowatt hour than standard fossil fuel energy.

Consumers can also purchase green energy certificates, which are alternately referred to as green tags or green certificates. These are available in both Europe and the United States, and are the most convenient method for the average consumer to support green energy. More than 35 million European households and one million American households now buy these green energy certificates.

While green energy is a great step in the direction of keeping our environment healthy and our air as pollutant free as possible, it must be noted that no matter what the energy, it will negatively impact the environment to some extent.

Every energy source, green or otherwise, requires energy. The production of this energy will create pollution during its manufacture. Green energys impact is minimal, however.

About the Author: James Copper owns who offer energy training and assessment.

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Spa Covers Going Green?

Submitted by: Spa Covers

All this talk about going green, a big part of saving the environment is to not create more waste that will just end up clogging our land fills. Follow me on this for a minute... There are 10 million spa owners in the USA, and each one of them uses a typical rigid foam spa cover on their hot tub. For the sake of this demonstration each foam cover is only two inches thick and every spa is eight feet by eight feet. That would mean each spa cover contained about 10.666 cubic feet of foam per spa cover. For the rest of this example we will use 10.5 cubic feet per cover.

If each cover on every spa becomes saturated within two years and needs to be replaced that would mean that we would be adding 52.5 million cubic feet of waste to our landfills in just spa covers every year.

If it takes two and a half covers worth of foam to make up one cubic yard that translates to 4 million cubic yards of waste added to our land fills every two years just in spa covers.

If there are 11 million Cubic yards of stone in the Great Pyramid at Giza, we are adding enough foam to build a duplicate of it to our landfills just from used spa covers every six years conservatively. There are four and a half million cubic yards of concrete in Hoover Dam. We could build a two lane highway of discarded foam filled spa covers from Seattle Washington to Miami Florida every two years.

In case you have not noticed most foam filled spa covers are not two inches thick anymore. If all those old foam covers were four inches thick all these calculations would be double.

But we are just being conservative so we want to stick with two inches thick. If we ripped the covers in half and laid those pieces end to end we could circle the earth at the equator on used spa covers every two years.

Heck with parking lots, in a few years we could pave the entire planet with foam just from saturated foam spa covers from the USA alone.

So what is the solution? Well shop for a better spa cover. There are options available on the internet that your local spa dealer probably does not offer. You do not have to quit using your spa to save us. You just need to get a Spa Cover that does not use foam to insulate. There would be two major advantages to doing so. First the spa cover that did not use rigid foam to insulate would last longer. Since what always fails in the typical spa cover is the foam, either breaking or getting so saturated that you cannot lift it, a spa cover that did not use foam would tend to last longer.

Second, if the new type of spa cover does not use rigid foam it will also be a lot more friendly to the environment when it does come time to discard it. Less trash, less waste, less land fill, not that is what going green is all about.

About the Author: The Author is a business owner with more than twenty years experience. A former Police Sgt, Pilot, Heavy Equipment Operator, Trained Mechanic that has written technical manuals and short stories. An accomplished motorcycle rider he enjoys riding the back roads of Washington on his Harley Davidson, with his wife riding copilot. Please visit Spa Covers.

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Going Green is Easier Than You Think

Submitted by: Paul Travis

“Going Green” is a term more and more of us are becoming aware of. You see it on magazine covers in the supermarket checkout line. You see it in newspapers and on the internet. You hear about it on television. It has become the "fad" of the early 2000's. A fad that unlike big hair, avocado green appliances and acid dyed jeans, will hopefully become a permanent way of life for not just the United States, but for the entire world. Unlike previous fads, this one is actually good for the environment, and the planet as a whole.

You see, practically everything we humans do has some sort of impact on the environment. Even something as seemingly benign as a pack of chewing gum can have adverse effects. Is the cardboard package made of recycled paper? What will become of the plastic that houses the individual pieces of gum when I am through with it? Will it just add to the mountains of plastic and other garbage filling up land fills? Okay, that may be a bit deep. But it does make one think about how something that seems so insignificant, when multiplied by millions, can become a problem. Fortunately there are three easy steps we all can take to ensure that "going green" does in fact become a permanent lifestyle change and not just a passing fad.

Recycle! Another word we've all been hearing a lot of for a very long time. But one of the easiest things you personally can do to ease the burden on the planet. The only things you should be throwing in that kitchen trash can are food scraps and plastic packaging. Having separate bins for cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles and even cardboard packaging, is easy and affordable. Most municipalities now have curbside recycling programs. And those that don’t usually provide access to free recycling centers that you can take those recycled items to. Try it for a month. You will probably be amazed at how much longer it will take you to fill up that kitchen trash can. Okay, so now you’re recycling and well on your way to "going green". You have greatly reduced the amount of refuse you send to the landfill each week. Now what?

Well the second step you can take is replacing those toxic cleaning products under the kitchen sink with "green" ones. For general, all purpose cleaning, vinegar, baking soda and essential oils can work wonders. There are many great books and websites that contain recipes for making powerful, non-toxic cleaners; cleaners which are easy on the environment, your health and your pocketbook.

The third step is switch to appliances that consume less energy to operate. Neon and LED lights make a great alternative to normal lighting in that they use less energy to operate with than standard incandescent bulbs. They also look great for advertising your store. So basically you can increase your business while helping the environment. Aside from the lights, also look into other energy saving devices; such as televisions, washing machines, and ovens that use less energy to help your house leave a smaller carbon footprint.

So there you have it. Three easy and inexpensive ways in which you can help ensure that "going green" becomes more than just a fad. Making it a way of life will help improve the quality of life for this and future generations. Good luck on your quest to "Go Green"!

About the Author: Paul Travis wants to encourage people and businesses to go green to help our planet. One simple way is using business neon signs to promote their business because neon signs consume less power than normal lights. Aside from the use of business neon signs, there are other tips you can do to make the world a greener place.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Going Green at Home

Submitted by: V.H. Rameng

Green Technologies have been here for a very long time now but adoption has been slow. Starting to go green is not that hard and in fact you can do it with a few basic steps. Here are a few simple steps on how you can go green at home:

1. Go for "Green" electronics:
You can go for Energy Star rated appliances, energy-efficient computers, NAT's, smart devices that power down when not in use and other green electronics. Energy Star rated monitors, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc. generally use 20%-30% less energy and are all easily available at most stores.

2. Try CFL and LED lamps:
A few years back, CFL's emerged as energy-saving bulbs and they still are, with prices dropping every few months. But this time a new competitor has emerged, the LED lamps. LED lamps usually cost $6 to $10 more than CFL's but LED lamps consume 33.3% to 44.5% less energy, not to mention they also last up to 5 times longer. The prices of LED lamps are also bound to come down in future. So a CFL will help you go green and an LED greener.

3. Let in natural light:
You can design your windows and curtains in such a way that you let in maximum natural light during the day. This will help you turn off your lights during the day and greatly reduce your energy consumption. Besides, sunlight makes a room seem more airy and fresh. If you are going to build a new home, strategically placed large windows and skylights are the best ways to maximize the use of natural light in your home.

4. Utilize your rooftops:
Unless you have a sloping roof and are adopting the Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting model in the rainy season, your rooftop can be populated with solar panels. They can be used for a wide variety of purposes ranging from water heating to lighting. They are most suitable for powering areas of your house that are lit by CFL's or LED's.

5. Smarten your energy-guzzlers:
If you are living in areas of extreme or uncomfortable temperatures, you might have an HVAC system. In recent years, HVAC manufacturers are beginning to implement motion sensors, brushless DC motors and timers in their products. Along with their smart controllers, these HVAC systems can save 20%-40% energy over conventional HVAC systems.

6. Save that water:
Using an aerator on all household faucets can reduce your annual water consumption by as much as 50%. By installing a low-flow toilet, you use about 1.9 gallons of water less per flush compared to older models. Using a broom instead of a garden hose to clean your driveway can go a long way in saving water.

7. Use Green Cleaners:
Use household cleaners that are environmentally safe and start using less of those common household cleaners that are potentially toxic to both you and the environment. There are ways of knowing green alternatives for cleaners like reading the labels for specific, eco-friendly ingredients when buying them. In floor cleaners and some window cleaners, look for grain alcohol which substitutes the common butyl cellosolve, otherwise known by the names butyl glycol, Dowanol and EGBE. In detergents look for plant oils such as coconut oil, etc. instead of petroleum ingredient. If you plan on not buying cleaners, you can use simple ingredients such as plain soap, water, washing soda (sodium carbonate), vinegar, baking soda etc. though these may not clean as effectively.

8. Slash Paper Usage:
You can buy recycled paper for use in almost everything from greeting cards to toilet paper, as these papers use less of new paper pulp which calls for less use of wood pulp and keeps more paper waste out of landfills. When shopping, carry your own cloth bags to the store and avoid using paper bags from the store, because less paper waste in the trash means less trees need to be cut for making new paper.

9. Compost your Garden:
Use compost instead of synthetic fertilizers in your garden as compost is rich in nutrients. The compost is a natural soil conditioner, a fertilizer, a natural pesticide for soil and it also adds vital humidity to the soil. Compost has also been known to prevent soil erosion.

10. Use Healthier Paints:
Many conventional paints contain high levels of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) to help them dry faster. However, these release smog-forming chemicals into the air and continue releasing low-level toxic emissions into the air years after application. You can opt for zero or low-VOC paints as most paint manufacturers now produce one or more varieties of non-VOC paints. Lower VOC paints preserve air quality indoors and outdoors and prevents the hazard of inhaling VOC fumes.

11. If you want Hardwood Floors, use Bamboo:
Bamboo is a green and environment-friendly substitute for Hardwood for domestic flooring due to its ability to regenerate in a relatively short amount of time. Hardwoods take anywhere from 50-100 years to grow back but for bamboo it doesn't take more than 6 years. Just make sure that you look for the ones that use formaldehyde-free glues.

Finally, turn down your heating setting by about 1-2 degrees C. This will reduce your heating bill by about 8%. And remember to fill your kettle with only as much water as you need.

About the Author: Rameng V.H. Rameng is a green hobbyist and a green energy enthusiast and has been helping people find the perfect green solution for their homes. Green Energy Projects @ Home is designed to help people find the perfect green energy solution for their homes.


Checking Your Car's Truck’s Van or SUV’s Battery

Submitted by: Frances T. Russell

Most people who own or drive a car, truck or sports utility vehicle know full well that their vehicle has a battery. After all if they leave their headlights on, their battery will often run “dead”. They will be unable to start their vehicle as the starter motor will not crank over. They will be stuck without transportation beside the road or in their parking lot. Hopefully their cell phone battery will be charged and they will be able to call their auto manufacturer toll free road side assistance help line (if they have a new vehicle and coverage), a tow truck or perhaps even a passing motorist for help boosting their engine and auto battery to start and charge up their vehicle to get them on their way.

Yet ask many motorists and auto owners’ – where is your battery and how do you check it and maintain it? It used to be that cars and batteries were simple and relatively all the same. Batteries used to be prominent and easy to find under the hood. Not so today. Some new Buicks even have their main auto battery hidden away located under the rear seat in the vehicle itself.

Hence first thing first you should take the time to locate the battery in your vehicle – be it car, truck, van or SUV. Generally it can be had in the automotive parts and supply industry that there are two kinds of auto service batteries. One is “sealed” and you never have to do anything to it (for the most part). However as a general overall rule of auto maintenance and care, most lead acid batteries have to have water added from time to time, the water mixes with an acid in the battery. Hence what you might assume what is simply water inside your automobile’s battery is really an acid- sulfuric acid at that.

In order to inspect or add water to the sulphuric acid mixture in the battery case you sill need to take off those caps to check the acid and battery acid liquid levels inside. As a general rule the acid level should cover those little grills you can see when you peer inside the battery case after taking off the battery cover caps. Leave rooms to put the caps covers back. Don’t overfill. According to professional auto maintenance staff and certified mechanics distilled as opposed to tap water must be used only. Distilled water is pure. You can get it any service station or big box auto supply outlet. Be more than careful and take great care that none of the acid in the battery gets on your hands or clothes. If it does immediately wash it off with plenty of water.

Let’s look at the battery connections. Shake them. They should be tight. You can see that one connection has the positive sign “+” stamped clearly on it. The other has a “-“negative symbol marking it. A “+” means positive and is usually colored as a red cable fitting or markings, whereas “-“ means negative “ground” usually marked with black colored cabling.

Lastly one major note of auto battery and connection maintenance especially when it comes to the positive terminal. You may get into your auto one day. You turn the key yet the auto motor starter just cannot get enough juice to turn over enough to start your motor. Yet the battery is not dead. Your headlamps light up. Think corrosion and grunge on the connection between your red positive charge battery cable connection and your positive battery terminal. Its basic and standard auto maintenance practice. Often the positive connection gets green fuzz all over it. That fuzz eats up and limits the connection and flow of vital electrical current. It can also eat up the metal straps that hold the battery. How do you get rid of it? Put a teaspoonful of baking soda into a cup of warm water. Use a small firm wire brush and wash the green fuzz away. Be careful. That green fuzz will also eat up your clothes.

With any luck now, your basic battery auto care and maintenance should have your car, truck, van or SUV started and you are on your way down the road to finish your journey.

About the Author: Frances T. Russel Port Coqutilam  British Columbia GM Auto Service Center  Lower Mainland Vancouver BC GMC Auto Truck Dealers Nepon Auto Welcome to the North End of Winnipeg People before profit  


How To Maintain Your Car Battery

Submitted by: Marilyn Pokorney

One of the most important parts of your car is the battery. If it doesn't work, your car doesn't start. And, in the winter that is even more true than in the summer.

The electrical power produced by the battery is used by the cars ignition system for cranking the engine. The car's battery also may power the lights and other accessories.

Have the battery tested on a regular basis, including when the car is serviced, before long trips and after it's been recharged.

Here are some things you can do yourself to prevent being stranded on a cold winter day.

Know how old your battery is. To see how old your battery is look for a small decal on the battery. A letter with a number should be there. The letter indicates the month, starting with "A" for January, "B" for February, and so on. I is skipped so December is "M". The number represents the year with "9" standing for 1999, "0" for 2000, etc. so D2, would be April, 2002. F5 would be June, 2005. Experts usually advise getting a new battery when a battery is four years old.

Watch for corroded terminals or battery posts, loose clamps, loose cables, or a leaking or damaged battery case. Look for dirty, wet, corroded or swollen cables and battery top.

Look for a loose or broken alternator belt. If the alternator fails the battery might also need to power the vehicle's entire electrical system until repairs can be made.

Keep jumper cables in the trunk of your car for emergency start up. Make sure the cables are free of rust and corrosion and that there are no exposed wires before using them.

Park your car in a garage whenever possible.

If you must leave your car outside all day, go out and start the car two or three times a day and let the car run for a few minutes to warm up. This will help the car to start more easily when you are ready to go.

When temperatures are below zero Fahrenheit avoid leaving the car out for extended periods of time.

About the Author: Marilyn Pokorney. Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website:


The Alternative - Free Energy

Submitted by: Paul Moss

Much has been discussed over the subject of "free energy" because this definition is supposed to stand for energy that can be directly extracted from atmosphere and in vast quantities, without affecting the environment. The debates have concentrated over whether free energy exists or not and how much it would cost to be used for large scale production; also, controversy has arisen over the terms abundant and efficient; how much do you need to be abundant? How much do you need to become efficient? The potential in research in this area needs to be exploited to its full maximum, therefore new things need to be uncovered before using free energy.

The term "free energy devices" has been coined to serve for multiple purposes. People use this term to describe a device used to collect and transmit energy from one source to another; it is also used to describe something that collects energy without requiring any fees or even to name machine with perpetual motion. Though it is needless to say, recall that the machine that produced perpetual motion by using only energy produced by itself was and is fiction, an impossible concept to put into practice. There is no possible machine on earth that is capable of being turned on and then starting to produce its own energy until infinity, without using any resources from the exterior. Technology, however, has advanced over the course of time and new ones have replaced the old technologies, thus giving rise to more efficient devices and less energy consuming approaches.

Nonetheless, no one can until now, come up with the technology to exploit all the free energy in the space and this idea is also something that hasn't been put into practice until now. Therefore, we needed to exploit the potential of atoms to create huge energy amounts. This fact become possible in the '40s when nuclear power proved to all that we can create incredulous amounts of energy. Flying was also fiction until the Wright Brothers were able to fly for the first time at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Those who support the ideas of "free energy" argue that mankind can utilize large amounts of energy coming from the Field named Zero Point. This represents the states where a defined system enters the mechanical state and then reaches a point in which the lowest energy points is located. Otherwise known as the "ground state", the Zero Point Energy is also known as "residual energy" because you are using an alternative to generate energy. This idea was initially coined by Albert Einstein together with Otto Stern.

This idea is also used to refer to vacuum energy, when studying quantum mechanics for instance. It is utilized in expressing the idea of empty space. The energy field generated inside the vacuum is attributed to the base of waterfall, according to the idea of one of those who proposed the idea, Hal Puthof. Puthof gives an explanation for the zero point, which basically means that provided that the universe is frozen completely, the energy from zero point would still remain there. Even so, it is not quite well known whether these implications are merely derived from the fact that this belongs to quantum physics or whether this is the consequence of another phenomenon. Therefore, finding the reservoir for such a big amount of energy is extremely difficult to do and there are also question on how gravity or inertia affect this side of the discussion.

These questions remain to be answered and they generate a lot of interest along the academia because they prove to be enticing challenging to an ever changing world, where finding the right resources of energies would insure the survival or the demise of the environment. Therefore, mankind needs to make some progress in the category of energy and be able to realistically advance with research. New engineering solutions might be coined in the future to help with the emission rates concerning atoms, molecules, laser research and other potential, interesting topics.

About the Author: Find out from the experts about the career options in alternative energy as well as the availability of government grants for research in alternative energy when you visit , the premier free resources on alternative home energy


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Main Benefits of a Magnetic Power Generator - Make Free Electricity

Submitted by: Elijiah Rampart

Did you know that you can generate electricity at home for free by making a magnetic power generator?

Did you also know that by doing this you can greatly reduce or eliminate your electrical utility bill?

What you might not know is that making one of these generators is easy to do with materials commonly found at your local hardware store. Having your own generator can save you money on your electrical utility bill. They are safe to operate at home, require little maintenance, and are hardly noticeable while they crank out your free electricity. Here I will discuss some of the main benefits of becoming your own power company by generating electricity at home.

Money Savings

The biggest benefit of making a magnetic power generator is that it will either greatly reduce, or eliminate, your electric utility bill. How much money you save depends on how big of a system you intent to build. You can choose to build a smaller system where you supplement your daily power needs. These smaller systems cost less to build and they can save you anywhere from 10% to 50% off your monthly bills. Or you can choose to build a system to replace your daily power needs and be completely energy independent.

Reliable, Durable, and Safe

Magnetic power generators are much more reliable than wind or solar power. These generators are self contained and do not need outside resources to operate. Solar power relies on sunlight or it will not make electricity. If you live in an area where it rains a lot or is foggy much of the time then solar will not be a good option for you. And of course, they do not make any power at night! Wind power requires a steady flow of natural wind or the turbines will not rotate. These winds are completely unreliable and unpredictable and you have no idea how much energy a wind turbine will produce where you live.

Finally, magnetic power generators are safe to operate and extremely durable. Solar panels are fragile and can be damaged, and are susceptible to water damage. Wind turbines can be dangerous and are at times unsafe to operate in high wind conditions. Your solar power generator can operate inside your garage, taking up little space, quietly turning out the free amps of electricity for you.

A Healthy Green Lifestyle

An additional added benefit to home magnetic power generators is your contribution to reducing global warming. Fossil fuel energy that emits carbon dioxide gas is a major hazard to our society. By making your own electricity at home you are not only adopting a green lifestyle, but you are significantly reducing your carbon foot print. Sure, car pooling, water conservation, and composting can contribute to this overall effort. But the biggest way to make an impact is to produce clean energy with a magnetic power generator. You will not only be saving money in the process, but you are preserving our planet for future generations to enjoy.

About the Author: Isn’t it time for you to reduce or eliminate your power bill? You will find that it is extremely easy to make your own magnetic power generator by following a simple step by step guide. To learn more about how you can make free energy and become energy independent visit ==>


Electricity Independence: Let Solar Power Electricity Run Your Home

Submitted by: Nathan Sprott

If you are concerned about increasing energy prices, the vagaries of the oil market, and the risk of power outtages, then energy independence is now a viable solution. Solar power electricity can provide 100% of your home energy needs, and when used in combination with efficiency measures and passive solar water heating, can significantly reduce your costs.

Will solar be enough for my home?

The beauty of solar power electricity is the scalability of a system to meet your energy needs. If you do an energy audit of your current energy consumption, you will be better placed to estimate the amount of electricity you need to generate. There are many online tools for doing an audit.

How easy is it?

Installation of a complete household solar electricity system, while techically complicated for the novice, is usually taken care of by your supplier and factored into the price. Whether you lease of buy, installation will be handled by your supplier.

However, you can save money by installing your own system. Kits are avaialbe to take you through this process, with how-to videos and a help line if you strike difficulties.

An area that is just starting to show growth is the “plug-n-play” solar electricity system. Using your current AC wiring, a “plug-n-play” panel can connect directly to your house without any technical skill or need for an electrician. The system converts the panels DC power to AC and will supplemnt your current energy consumptions, reducing prices. Greenway Solar presently sell a 250w “plug-n-play” kit for $US1893 Clarion Technology are developing a stylish awning model that will be released in mid 2011. It is expected that the advent of plug-n-play will make solar technology more assessable for everyone.

Is it cost-effective?

New home developments frequently incorporate energy sustainability options in the U.S. Energy efficiency in itself will reduce your electricity costs, but combined with solar power electricity you can expect significant reductions.

Many new homes are being grid connected and supplemented with solar power electricity and hot water systems. If you are in a location that can't take advantage of on-grid solar, you can still have a grid-connected solar electricity system that will reduce your energy costs and enable you to sell excess power back to the grid. If you have a system that well supplies your needs, the energy companies will eventually be paying you!

Existing and owner-built homes can also benefit from installing a solar power system, this is especially cost effective if you live in an isolated area, where the costs of running power poles is prohibitive.

In recent years solar power electricity prices have dropped, while efficiency has increased. In addition, rebates and tax incentives that are offered in many United States locations mean that you may pay half the ticket price on solar power electricity systems. In some locations you may be able to sell excess energy production back to the grid if you choose a grid-connected option, further reducing your overall costs. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency have guide to rebates and incentives available near you.

The typical solar off-grid household system will cost between $US10,000 and $20,000 depending on your energy needs and how much of the work you are willing to do yourself. Self-installation can save you thousands of dollars and further savings can be made by purchasing DIY solar panel kits that can either work off grid, or make grid connection easy. Solar leasing is also becoming a popular option in the U.S. Environmental group, The Sierra Club have developed a convenient online tool for calculating the costs and saving of installing an off-grid solar energy system in your home or business.

Acquiring a solar power electricity system will mean that you can be partly or completely safe from the vagaries of the energy market, immune from outages and energy independent.

About the Author: For more information of how you can go green with solar panels or other house additions to green your home, please visit our green home renovation resource.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wind Turbines - How Much Electricity They Produce

Submitted by: Ryan Wiley

Building a wind turbine is a great DIY project, but how much power can one actually produce? When discussing how much power a wind turbine can produce, you have to understand three things: how much power is in the wind, how much of that power can be harnessed, and how much your particular wind turbine will be able to grab a hold of.

How Much Power is in the Wind

To find the absolute power inherent in the wind we use the following formula:

Power measured in watts = (.5) (rho) (a) (V^3), with “rho” representing air density, “a” representing the swept area of your wind turbine blades, and “V” representing the velocity of the wind in meters per second.
To find the swept area of your turbine blades, you must use the following equation:

a = pi x r^2, with “r” representing the radius of the circle made by your spinning wind turbine blades.

Let’s look at an example. We’ll say that we have an 8-foot wind turbine and 10 MPH winds (all figures converted to the metric system—meters/feet per second). Note: the radius (r) needed for this equation is easy to get—it is the length of one of your turbine blades.

Let’s get our swept area.

a = 3.14 (1.2192 m^2)
a = 4.666

Now we have the information needed to figure out the total power inherent in the wind using our specific wind turbine (the density of the wind [rho] is 1.23). We use the abovementioned equation.

Power measured in watts = (.5) (rho) (a) (V^3)
Watts = (.5) (1.23) (4.666) (89.338)
Watts = 256

So, we can produce 256 watts with our wind turbine, right? Wrong.

How Much Power We Can Really Get Out of the Wind

According to the Betz Theory, we can only extract 59.26% of the energy out of the wind. That figure, however, assumes that we have a perfectly efficient system, which we don’t actually have. How much of the wind’s energy can we extract? About 35%, if we build an efficient wind power system.

So, using the conditions outlined in our example above, we should expect our wind turbine to produce about 35% of our figure, which was 256 watts, giving us a total of 89.6 watts.

Important Facts to Consider

Did you notice that in the formulas above, wind velocity is cubed and turbine radius is squared? This is important to consider because making your turbine blades a little bit longer gives you the opportunity to harness much more of the wind’s power. Likewise, small increases in wind velocity mean much more power is available.

For example, it would seem, at first, that if the speed of the wind doubled, it would carry with it twice as much power. Look at these numbers, though.

Our original scenario was as follows:

10 mph winds gave us .5 x 1.23 x 4.666 x 89.338 = 256 watts.

Now let’s say we have 20 MPH winds.

20 mph winds give us = .5 x 1.23 x 4.666 x 714.708 = 2051 watts

That’s 8 times the power!

Now let’s see what happens when we double the length of our wind turbine blades.

Our original scenario was as follows:

10 mph winds and an 8–foot wind turbine gave us (.5 ) (1.23) (4.666) (89.338) = 256 watts.

Now let’s say we have a 16-foot wind turbine.

10 mph winds and 8-foot blades gives us (.5) (1.23) (18.664) (89.338) = 1025 watts

That’s 4 times the power!

As you can see, figuring out how much power your DIY wind turbine will be able to produce is not too difficult. You just use two simple equations and the radius of your wind turbine blades. For best results, complete a home energy audit to find out exactly how much energy you use throughout the year. Then use what you have learned above to figure out just how big of a wind turbine you need to build in order to satisfy all of your energy needs.

About the Author: Planning to make renewable energy at home? Be sure to stop by and check out my DIY wind Generator plans.


All You Need to Know About Your Electricity Bill

Submitted by: Chris Carson

Comparing your electricity bill to others in the area, or nationwide, won't make it any lower or any less painful, but can be interesting. Also, comparing with the average in your area can help you recognize if you need to try some conservation measures to lower your energy consumption. The Energy Information Agency issues figures on a lot of issues related to energy.

The average electricity bill nationally is $95.66, with average consumption being 920 Kilowatt hours (kWh), and the average price per kWh being 10.4 cents. Compare how you measure in reference to others and it can suggest how you are doing energy-wise. If your bill is way above the average, look at kwhs used. If it is way above, then you might be wasting energy. But, that is not necessarily true. A number of factors affect both consumption and cost of electricity in your household and region of the country.

National average costs per kWh by state or region ranges from a low of 7.58/kwh to a high of 24.20/kwh. The overall average nationwide is 11.51/kwh. Different regions vary in average costs per kWh. This can be due to a number of factors, some being fuel costs to produce the electricity, whether energy must be purchased from other states, and the amount of consumption based on weather conditions.

The breakdown of average kWh prices are: New England--17.47; Middle Atlantic -14.84; East North Central - 10.92; West North Central - i9.14; South Atlantic - 11.32; East South Central - 9.61; Mountain - 10.18; Pacific Contiguous - 12.15; Pacific Noncontiguous - 21.31.

One factor that affects the overall amount of your electric bill is the source of the energy to produce the power. Cost is not the only factor, however. The ecological cost is a big factor. Renewable sources can save big so far as conservation is concerned. The renewable sources include: hydropower, biomass, biofuels, wind generation, geothermal, and solar energy. Each year these alternatives sources are used in increasing numbers. In 2008, the percentage of electricity that was produced from these sources was 19%. It is estimated that it will increase to 23% by 2035.

Remember to compare apples to oranges. Compare the amount on your electric bill to others in your state or region. If yours is well below the average, maybe you should teach a class in your area to help others. If it is way above that average, then maybe you should be taking that class. There are many ways to conserve energy. Check for options, and pursue them to decrease your charges. Even if you are near or below the average, if you can decrease it even more, go for it.

One possible solution to lowering your costs is to contact your power company. Most have excellent printed resources. They will have materials specific to the needs of your region. In addition, most all of them will do an energy audit to help you discover where your energy consumption is more than the normal.

You can also research online for energy conservation suggestions. It may mean you need to replace old windows, or old appliances that are not energy efficient. Tax credits are available to offset some of the installation costs. The changes can mean a lowered electric bill. Think of what you could do with that saved money.

About the Author: If you want to know more about kwh, you can visit our site to know where you can find wind energy.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Solar Power Brisbane - Home Solar Power System Are Important Alternative Energy Solutions

Submitted by: Thomas Jones

Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been used by humans since ancient times using a choice of ever-evolving technologies. Solar energy technologies comprise of solar heating, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity and solar architecture, which can make huge assistance to solving some of the most crucial problems the world presently faces.

Solar Thermal uses the sun’s heat directly to heat up another medium – usually water – without the condition to create any of that irritating electricity. Solar thermal systems use either flat plates or tubes to capture the sun's heat and move the heat into a fluid.

Solar thermal is in general used to intensify the creation of hot water. I use the word intensify, because there will always be time when you don’t have adequate sun to generate all of your hot water requirements, and the intensfying is performed by either an electric element, a gas fired heater or (less commonly) other fuel heaters such as wood fired stoves. You will have seen the 'solar thermal' systems on roofs which typically look like plate made of glass.

In the past 10 years, houses with rooftop solar arrays have gone from being rare to common. Getting solar systems in the typical residential market has proved to be difficult mission as it has usually been an high-priced technology to apply. But the technology has developed over the years and this has expected that the long term cost-cutting benefits without difficulty outshine the early cost of completing. Moreover, it gives clean energy with no greenhouse-gas emissions. A characteristic solar power system uses arrays of photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight straight into electricity which is then stored into high-energy density batteries via a charge controlling circuitry.

In Australia, the most important factor when choosing an installer is to ensure that they are “Clean Energy Council Accredited”. This is a prerequisite that they need in order for the government to pay out its rebates. And even more important than that is you can be confident that they have been trained in the safe installation of Solar Power Systems.

You can sign up for free solar quotes at a range of websites and judge the prices offered by them to install the solar panels. Also you can give with the right size of your house and they will provide with the proper information on what is the right size of Solar panels that are required for your home in order for you to be provided with continuous supply of electricity.

When it comes to costing, which is very important aspect, let it may not be the most significant factor in your purchase. Remember, this is a system that you will depend on every day for the next 20-40 years, so hence it is very important that you have a system that has a high quality and performance that you are happy with. As is true with most things in this world: you generally get what you pay for. If you have been offered a system that seems spectacularly cheap then you may want understand that there are drawbacks associated common to a lot of super cheap solar deals.

About the Author: Thomas is an expert in the field. For more information on Solar Power Brisbane, and Solar Power Quotes Please visit:


Save Money With Solar Power, 5 Ways To Use The Solar Power Around Your Home And Garden

Submitted by: Gavin Dye

There are many way you can use Solar Power around your home & garden, here a just a few that can get you started in saving money and helping the environment.

1. Solar Garden Lights
Why go through the expense of digging up your garden and laying cables, when you could use Solar Powered Lights. They are easy to install and an attractive way to use Solar Power. They charge during the day and automatically turn on at dusk. You do have to think about where you place them in the garden, so they can get a full charge during the day.

2. Solar Water fountains
Easy to install and they can be a charming addition to any garden pond. Having a fountain can also keep your pond healthy, by stopping the water in the pool from stagnating. The sound off running water is also known way to relieve stress.

3. Solar Battery Chargers
Why charge the batteries for all your gadgets like you mobile phone or Ipod from the mains when you could use a Solar charger wherever you are. Solar Panels now come in many shapes and sizes. Some varieties can be rolled up so are easy to carry; you can even get them built into rucksacks. You can get a charger specifically designed for the Ipod, which uses solar power.

4. Solar Pool Heating
Why not use Solar Power to heat the water in your pool and then keep that heat in the pool by using a solar pool cover. If you are still heating your pool using power from the mains, you are literally making your money evaporate into the air.

5. Solar Panels
Create power or heat water for your home to help reduce your heating bills in the long run, the Solar Panels can be fitted to your roof and the suns light is converted into electricity or used to heat the water for your home. This is the most involved way to use Solar Power in your home, if you want to go this route, I would employ professionals who will be able to advise you in what the best plan of action would be, and the possible savings.

About the Author: Gavin Dye is the webmaster and author at where you can learn more about solar power and alternative energy. Check out his blog at


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Solar Power Melbourne – Solar Power Can Be of Great Benefit in the Long Run

Submitted by: Angela Dalton

Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been used by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar energy technologies include of solar heating, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity and solar architecture, which can make large assistance to solving some of the most critical problems the world currently faces.

Concentrated solar power
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. The concentrated heat is then used as a heat source for a conventional power plant. A wide range of concentrating technologies exists; the most developed are the parabolic trough, the concentrating linear fresnel reflector, the Stirling dish and the solar power tower. Various techniques are used to track the Sun and focus light. In all of these systems a working fluid is heated by the concentrated sunlight, and is then used for power generation or energy storage.

A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell (PV), is a device that converts light into electric current using thephotoelectric effect. The photons which make up light bombard the solar PV panel and dislodge electrons from their resting places. These electrons randomly flow around inside the silicon leaving holes in their place. Due to the laws of physics, the electrons then recombine. During all of this activity, energy is released and is what we capture and is called the photovoltaic effect.

What are its benefits in Australia?
Australian government has introduced subsidy for homeowners, businesses and community groups by the name of "Solar Credits" to bring down the cost involved in installing solar panels. It was passed into law on 20th August 2009, but the policies keep changing the details of the rebate (usually reducing it with very small notice period!). The more you collect the Solar Credits more is the benefit you get from the government. This helps in actually reducing the cost involved in installing the solar power plants in your place.

Of course the cost will vary by a few thousand either way depending on various brand of panels and inverters each supplier uses, and their overheads, but if you feel that the current prices are beyond your expectations, then solar may not be for you right now. But if you add the system cost to your mortgage it can be surprisingly affordable. Also if you take rising electricity costs into account than you can be assured of one thing that in a long term, you will be refunded with all your initial cost. There is a solar payback calculator here for you to make your own mind up. Usually, typical cost of an installed 1.5kW solar system can be around $6,500 which can prove costly, but you get government Rebate of $3,000 making your actual cost to you for 1.5KW of solar power to Approx $3,500.

In Australia, the most important factor when choosing an installer is to ensure that they are “Clean Energy Council Accredited”. This is a qualification that they need in order for the government to pay out its rebates. Even more important than that is you can be confident that they have been trained in the safe installation of Solar Power Systems. You can sign up for free solar quotes at various websites and compare the prices offered by them to install the solar panels.

One thing is for sure that being a part of the world responsible for clean environment makes you feel proud. I am sure you will also like to be one of them.

About the Author: Angela is an expert in the field. For more information on Solar Power Melbourne, and Solar Power Rebate Please visit:


Friday, January 6, 2017

Universal Solar Power - 'Solar Tres' and Commercial Solar Thermal Energy

Submitted by: Chris Woolfrey

After the success of Solar One - the world's first large-scale thermal solar power plant - and its update, Solar Two, Europe has now entered into the race for sustained solar power.

Solar Tres, located West of Ejica in the Andalusia district of Spain, has been modeled on the Solar One and Two projects, which were developed and updated in the Marstow Desert, California, in 1981 and 1995. Like its American predecessor, Solar Tres will produce energy through heliostats: large mirror assemblies that track and reflect the sun's rays throughout the day. From there, it is bounced onto a central column, named the 'Solar Power Tower', which absorbs and stores the energy, to be converted into thermal power.

What marks Solar Tres above its prototypes is that it uses molten salt as its conducting fluid, so that the energy can be stored in molten form and converted at any time. It means that the new European Solar Power Tower can be operational 24 hours a day, allowing for greater energy storage and conversion, and it outstrips its US counterparts, which ran on oils, and so had a lower capacity for storage after conversion.

It also looks to expand on the size of Solar One and Two, with a heliostat field that is three times larger than Solar Two at its optimum. It means that Solar Tres has a potential capacity of 15MW, where Solar One and Two could reach a maximum of 10MW. Not only can it run more efficiently, then - working right round the clock - but its output is greater, allowing for sustainable energy that is produced more quickly and in abundance.

By all intents and purposes, it is a larger and more ambitious project. With the backing of the EU Commission, who have provided 5 million Euro through the EU 5th Frame program, it has the potential to move thermal solar power into the competitive energy markets.

After the relative success of the original US Power Tower Plants, the improvements to Solar Tres mean a bold step towards sustainable energy in the world at large. With a project of this scale, it signals a move from personal sustainability initiatives - the efforts made, from individuals to family units - to a potentially full-fledged commercial representation of universal solar power in the community.

It now means that two of the world's major political powers - The US, and the EU - are committing themselves to the importance of sustainable energy. Whilst Solar One and Two are now closed, they represent important first examples of what Solar Tres can now make possible.

And that is not to say that the US have abandoned the pursuit; upon the closure of the original Solar One and Two site in 2001, they commenced production of Nevada Solar One, which became operational in 2007, and boasts a maximum production capacity of 75MW. With three major Solar Power Tower Plants built since 1995, moves to a genuine production of solar power are being implemented on both sides of the Atlantic. Sustainable energy is a real possibility. Let's hope other nations follow suit.

About the Author: Chris Woolfrey is the solar panels expert at The environmental social network EcoSwitch


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